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Dear friends,

I'm honored to welcome you to the 2024 annual conference of the Israeli Society of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology (ISHNOS), which takes place in the unique Elma arts complex luxury hotel in Zichron Ya'acov.

The outbreak of the brutal war in October 2023 has drastically changed our lives. We stand with the thousands of families grieving their loved ones and wish the best for the thousands of wounded soldiers. Unfortunately, we had to postpone our previous meeting planned for November 2023. We appreciate your understanding.

We will comprehensively discuss various Head and Neck cancer matters, focusing oral cavity malignancies, quality of life role and treatment considerations among elderly patients.


I am grateful to all members of the organizing committee, plenary speakers, moderators, panellists and authors for their hard work and dedication. 

I know that we are all passionate about improving the health of our patients. We have a packed schedule of educational sessions, networking opportunities and social events.

We encourage all, to participate both, the educational and social events!  


I wish you all a productive and enjoyable conference.
We look forward to seeing you in Elma ISHNOS 2024.


On behalf of the organizing committee and the ISHNOS leadership,

Prof. Nir Hirshoren, MD, MHA

Head and Neck Surgical oncology


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